AMULET project selected for funding under the INNOSUP-01-2020 call

On January 21st 2021, the AMULET project ‘Advanced Materials & manufacturing United for LightwEighT’ was selected for funding by the European Commission under the INNOSUP-01-2020 call “Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains”.

The AMULET project is coordinated by Dr. Katharina Schöps from the Technology Transfer office of the Technical University of Chemnitz (DE). Nine ELCA partners are also part of the consortium: Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster (PL), Cluster MAV (ES), Flanders Make (BE), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NO), Jožef Stefan Institute (SI), IMAST (IT), Plastipolis (FR), South West Hungarian Engineering Cluster (HU), Clust-ER MECH (IT).

The goal of AMULET is to create new value chains by fostering the penetration of advanced materials (polymer-based composites, light metals and ceramic matrix composites) in four sectors: automotive, aerospace and aeronautics, energy and building sectors.

AMULET will support the development of demonstration projects by SMEs following a competitive-based approach. Furthermore, all SMEs participating in the project will receive technical training support and business-to-business coaching for accelerating the commercialising of their innovative solutions.


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