Working Group scope
Working Group 1 covers the first stages in the value chain and coordinates the research outcomes from researchers studying the different kinds of materials that can be used for lightweighting, including raw materials, their refining/post-treatment steps and further development towards final or semi-final use.
Since the advancement of the circular economy will lead to more recycled materials being available in the future, WG 1 will shape the future of advanced materials by exploiting new value chains and integrating new functions into materials. Hence, WG 1 members contribute enormously to enhancing material properties which will lead to a reduction in future manufacturing costs while reducing the material usage which diminishes greenhouse gas emissions in the production process.
WG 1’s research lays the foundation for the work of WG 2: Characterization & modelling, WG 4: Manufacturing and WG 5: Assembly & Joining.
Working Group Leaders
Dr. Thomas Hipke Fraunhofer IWU
Dr. Pedro Mimoso PIEP.

Partners Involved