WORKING GROUP 3 – Design & Smart Functions

Working Group scope 

Working Group 3’s focus is the design of functional lightweight structures and the introduction of smart functionalities. The design of lightweight materials is multi-parameter, which means that it relies on powerful software capable of simulating certain in-service conditions. Therefore, WG 3 collaborates closely with WG 2. It also works in close collaboration with material suppliers from WG1 since multi-material designing requires an optimal combination of different material elements and reinforcements.

With the current development trend of structures based on lightweight materials, the growing importance on the structural health monitoring (SHM) can be foreseen. This includes inherent SHM from external influences such as vibration, temperature, and humidity. This enables the structural screening of infrastructure and safety-critical products without the need of installing additional sensors. This reduces material needs in production and costs for inspections which leads to higher safety in everyday life as well as lower greenhouse gas emissions.

Working Group Leader

Rajarajan Ramalingame Technical University of Chemnitz



Partners Involved 



WG3 is responsible for the following activities:

– Design of nanocomposite synthesis procedure to realise high-performance sensors.

– Dispersion of conductive nanofillers in a wide range of polymer materials including ceramic matrix composite to realise the functional nanocomposite materials.

– Development of advanced material-based sensors synthesized from polymer nanocomposites.

– Customization of the geometry and performance of the sensors to suit the intended application.

– Tunning the percolation threshold of the conductive nanofillers to realise conductive tracks for establishing electrical contact to the sensors.

– Enabling smart functionalities by the integration of sensors on surfaces and in lightweight laminates.
